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Monday, May 7, 2012


Hiya! Well............ today I'm gonna talk about plants with seeds!!! No.....not all plants have seeds actually!! What you say....well you better believe it!! But, that's not all I'm gonna talk about on this blog! So...............let me explain what I'll talk about in this blog.

  • I'll name some characteristics about seed-plants.
  • The importance of angiosperms and gymnosperms.
  • The characteristics of angiosperms and gymnosperms.
  • And then I will compare monocots and discots! it's time to name the characteristics!

  • All seed-plants reproduce with seeds!
  • They have vascular tissue.
  • They breathe in Co2 and produce oxygen.
  • They have thick, plant cell walls.
  • They need water and nutrients.
  • They have plant cells.

Well, you get I'm gonna name the importance of angiosperms and gymnosperms!!
  • Gymnosperm plants make wood that is used in construction and in papers that we use. 
  • Gymnosperms also help produce the chemicals in soap , paints, and medicines.
  • Angiosperm trees take in lots of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and produce oxygen
  • They also make fibers like cotton and it makes rubber, oils, and perfumes! 

Now.............I'm gonna talk about the characteristics of angio and gymnosperms.

  • Angiosperms and gymnosperms both reproduce with seeds.
  • They both are vascular plants.
  • They both go through photosynthesis.
  • They are both two groups of seed plants!

Finally, it's time to talk about monocots and discots!

Monocots: They only have 1 seed leaf inside the seed coat and often it is a thin leaf. There veins are in there leaves and they are side by side. Monocots only have 1 cotyledon! 

Discots: They have 2 seed leafs inside a seed coat! They are mostly rounded and fat! Discots have 2 cotyeldons and they have about 4 or 5 petals if they are a flower. 

                 FUN FACTS ABOUT PLANTS!!

  • Did you know that peanuts are beans??
  • Bamboo is grass! :O
  • Nutmeg is EXTREMELY poisonous if it's injected the wrong way!!
Well, that's all!!!! Bye!! Come back to learn more sciency stuff!! 



  1. I give you a 3.9 because you had some off top-pick
    pics and i saw nothing that is not a error

    1. There were no off topic pics, all of her pictures were related to the topic. Even with the animated nut she was showing a seed plant, but with personality.

  2. i mean like this was not ur best blog sofia i know you turned it in late and all u could have just went with getting like 5 points off so i give u a 3. u could have done better

  3. Duanacan............ACTUALLY, all my pictures had to do with seeds and plants! So.....yeah :)

  4. I think your blog was good, but you could have expanded more on the topics like giving examples of monocots and dicots.

    3 1/2 stars.
