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Friday, March 16, 2012

M-M-M-Mammals!!! :) :) :)

Hey, hey, hey! It's me, Sofia!!!  And finally, we can talk about mammals! The cool thing is....... WE are mammals! And, what's a mammal? Well, I will tell you that soon, but first I should tell you what we will be learning!! :D :D :D 

  • Name 5 characteristics about mammals! 
  • How their characteristics help the mammals!
  • How are placentals, monotremes, and marsupials different! 
  • I will compare the reproduction of the 3 groups & talk about 1 mammal!

So, let's start with the 5 characteristics of mammals!! :D 

  1. Well, all mammals have hair or fur!
  2. They all feed milk to their young!
  3. They all have complex-nervous systems!
  4. They all are endothermic, or warm-blooded!
  5. And finally, they all reproduce with a mate!

Do you want to learn more about mammals?? Click HERE to learn more about a special mammal! Is it killing you to know what is there?! Then click it!! :)

So, now I think I should start talking about how those characteristics help!!

        How they help them!!!

The hair or fur helps is by trapping air and keeping the animal warm and cozy!!! Some mammals like dolphins and whales have not a lot of hair, so they rely on a think layer of fat chub under their skin to keep them warm!! Porcupine quills and the spiky spines of a hedgehog are modified hairs that keep them protected from dangerous enemies!!

Obviously, the ability to be able to feed milk to their young is helpful by a lot!
It helps the kid mostly!! You know, it helps the kid grow and get the energy, nutrients, and vitamins to the animal!! With out the ability to give milk, nipples or no nipples, the kid would have a hard time growing up!!! 

How the Groups are Different!

Well, for starters the 3 groups are...... the placentals, the monotremes, and marsupials! All 3 groups are very different! It won't take that long so here we go........

  • Placentals are the most popular group and even include us! They also give live birth to fully developed babies!! 
    The dog is a placental mammal!
  • Marsupials!! They are mostly found in Australia or some zoo's!! They actually give birth to very undeveloped babies and they crawl into the pouch that the Mom has and then they attach them selves to the nipple!  
    A kangaroo is a marsupial mammal!
  • Monotremes are the least popular group and to some, the ugliest group! Guess what? Well, monotremes lay eggs? So freaky!! 
A platypus is a monotreme mammal!

How the babies are different!!

Well, I mostly explained it in the last paragraph, but I guess I will go over it again!! Let's start.......

1.Placental mammals give birth to fully developed babies, but still need their mothers care!!

2. Monotremes lay eggs...... but are still mammals!! Weird......

3.  Marsupials give live birth, but the babies are undeveloped , so they crawl into the mom's pouch and then get milk from the mom, which is produced by the mammary gland, then grow developed in the pouch!!

Time to talk about a mammal.....

Finally, I'm almost done and to end this blog I'm gonna talk about one mammal and that mammal is....... ( Drum-roll ) the brown bear!!

  • The brown bear is a omnivore!!
  • Can be 5-8 feet tall, even taller too!
  • Can weigh 700 pounds!!
  • It's a mammal!!
  • Travels in a pack called " sloth" or " sleuth "
  • They are fast and can run at 30 miles an hour, so don't make a bear mad!

Well, I guess that's the end of my blog...... come back next time to learn more sciency stuff!!! BYE!!! :D :D


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